One of the biggest reasons religious families choose to homeschool is because homeschooling allows them to include their faith in their daily lessons. For members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, including the Book of Mormon in your homeschool is particularly important.
There is a beautiful quote by Darlene Schacht that says,
“If we don’t teach our children who God is, someone else will teach them everything that He isn’t.”
This quote perfectly sums up the importance of teaching our kids these crucial topics. However, as homeschooling members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have discovered, there are not many homeschooling curricula that combine the teachings of The Book of Mormon with other secular knowledge and subjects that every child should be exposed to.
Thankfully, there are many easy ways to incorporate The Book of Mormon in your homeschool, if you just know where to look.
1. Homeschool Tips for Incorporating The Book of Mormon
Here are some of the easiest ways to include The Book of Mormon in your homeschool lessons.
- Begin your homeschool day with a family scripture study or a devotional. Come up with your own or use some of the Come Follow Me resources put out by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
- When studying history, look up the Book of Mormon timeline and discuss events that happened around the same time as the event you are discussing. Alternatively, you could also discuss Book of Mormon events that played a crucial role in the leading up to the history events you are studying.
- Compare and contrast famous people you are studying with people from The Book of Mormon. For example, how is Abraham Lincoln similar to Captain Moroni? Or how is Hitler similar to Coriantumr?
- Find a curriculum that includes lessons from The Book of Mormon. LightSail is one great example of an online language arts program that includes many resources for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
2. Using LightSail to Teach The Book of Mormon
One of the easiest ways to teach The Book of Mormon to kids is by using a curriculum that already includes these scriptures in their resources and unit studies. LightSail is one language arts program that allows parents to seamlessly combine scriptures from many faiths and religions, including The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with reading and other literacy lessons.
When you sign up for LightSail, you will have instant access to tens of thousands of books, videos, articles, and more. This includes a digital version of The Book of Mormon, The King James Version of The Bible, teachings from several Latter-day Saint prophets, and many other faith-based selections.
Check out the timelines section to compare events that happened throughout history and discuss with your kids how these events compare to events that happened in the scriptures. Check out the bookmark and quotations sections to get access to scripture mastery and recommended discussion topics. There are even several unit studies that are directly related to members of this faith.
Use LightSail in conjunction with other church resources you are already using in your homeschool, or use them on their own. The choice is yours. And, whatever you choose, know that LightSail makes it easy to include The Book of Mormon in your homeschool.

Posted on 8.Aug.21 in Faith-based