Will you be studying the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in your homeschool this year? Knowing where we come from, learning about the sacrifices of those who came before, and gaining strength from their experiences and testimonies are all excellent reasons why you should. What better way for kids and teens to gain an appreciation for what they now have than to learn how it all came to be?
LightSail has a number of Unit Studies to enrich your study of Latter-day Saint history in your homeschool.
1. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint Church History
This unit study comprises twelve books dedicated to the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Students can go in depth into Church history over the course of a year.
2. Joseph Smith, the Prophet
Learn about the life of the Prophet Joseph Smith with the five books contained in this unit study. This would make a great complement to a study of the Restoration.
3. Modern Day Prophets
Learn about the first six modern day prophets: Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow, and Joseph F. Smith is this Latter-day Saint history unit study.
4. Mormon Pioneers
Learn about the Mormon pioneers and what hardships they faced as they crossed the plains. This would make a great addition to a Pioneer Day celebration.
5. Family History
We have been asked to help gather Israel in these latter-days and family history plays a big part in that. With this Latter-day Saint unit study on family history, kids will gain a deeper appreciation for why learning about ancestors is important to spreading the gospel. Include a writing assignment about an ancestor of their own or work on indexing names and genealogy.
6. Latter-day Saint Temples
Learn more about the purpose of Latter-day Saint temples in the latter-days with this unit study. Children can research the dedicatory prayer of their favorite temple to include as they study about ancient and modern temples.
Choose one or more LightSail unit studies on Latter-day Saint history to enrich your homeschool curriculum and religious studies this year.

Posted on 10.Oct.21 in Faith-based