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3 Great Homeschooling High School Tips

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Homeschooling high school students is a task that many parents find daunting. The high school years are some of the most formative, and they can affect your child’s future in many ways. While homeschooling a high schooler does take more intention, it doesn’t have to be drudgery. Here are three tips to help you homeschool your high schooler with as little stress as possible.

1. Tailor the Experience to Fit Your Student’s Career Goals

High schoolers are beginning to think of how their talents and passions could translate into a career. It’s beneficial for students to have a general idea of what career path they’d like to take so you can tailor their high school curriculum to fit their goals. For example, a student who decides they would like to go into business may benefit from LightSail’s books about business psychology. Suppose your student isn’t sure what field they would like to enter. In that case, I recommend exposing them to some of LightSail’s titles or videos that feature different occupations like veterinarian, soldier, scientist, and more! These resources can make careers come to life and may pique your child’s interest. 

2. Fill Learning Gaps

Now is the time to evaluate what your child has learned and make sure there are no learning gaps. Learning gaps can happen when there are curriculum changes, a student falls ill, or even a move. This is where homeschooling high school online comes in handy! LightSail has an extensive library that allows you to create a personalized selection for your student. If your high schooler could use a little more information about the Renaissance, you can assign them TED Talks, audiobooks, and titles about that topic. Comprehension checks ensure that your student is retaining what they’ve learned. 

3. Keep a Careful Record

Colleges want to see a careful transcript of a potential candidate’s high school career. A suitable transcript includes courses taught by parents or outside educators and your student’s grades in each subject. Some transcripts include books read and extracurriculars. For busy parents, the thought of record-keeping can be discouraging. LightSail offers automated record-keeping features that show you the books your high schooler reads, their scores on assignments, and even their reading level. This makes crafting a transcript easier. Life is hectic; it’s nice to have one thing off your plate! 

Homeschooling during the high school years can be full of fun memories, great discussions, and a deeper relationship with your student. LightSail can help make the experience wonderful for both you and your child. 

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Posted on 6.Jun.21 in Homeschool Tips

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