Every homeschooling parent dreams of a good schedule that works. Yet, different reading abilities and scattered resources can make each school day a scheduling nightmare. Fortunately, LightSail’s innovative catalog of features is the organized boost you’re seeking for a productive homeschool schedule.
Whether you have one child or multiple learners in your home, you can easily use LightSail to free up your time and build an agenda that is useful. Consider the following options to get your homeschool schedule started:
1. Reading time
If you are tired of reminding your child to “go read your book,” LightSail for Homeschoolers will do it for you. Based on your child’s abilities, you can assign a reading goal to achieve daily, weekly, or monthly. Minutes read are automatically recorded as electronic pages are turned. As your children focus on this reading time, you can turn your attention to a child that needs more assistance or create additional assignments, plan unit study resources, or grade assignments on LightSail.
2. Open communication
Tired of wondering why your child wasted valuable time and didn’t ask for help sooner? LightSail helps add a layer of communication with their innovative chat feature for parents and students. As kids are working on assignments, they can quickly and easily ask parents for help or clarification on an assignment via chat. Also, you can check in periodically to make sure they are still focused or send additional links to resources.
3. Build targeted assignments
LightSail offers multiple ways to keep your kids busy and fully engaged in learning. Here are some options to consider:
- Create writing assignments with prompts
- Use valuable Bookmarks and Quotations features
- Assign Memory Modules
- Gauge skills with built-in assessments
- Build assignments, including spelling bees and oral reports
You’ll feel confident allowing your kids to take control of their assignments and search for resources on LightSail because safety settings filter materials to your standards. You won’t feel like time is being wasted by letting your child surf through LightSail since the materials that your child finds will be educational, age appropriate, and relevant.
Students can work on any of the above assignments at their own pace while you are free to do other tasks. You determine the dates that these assignments are due based on your unique circumstances.
4. Unit studies for independent study
LightSail offers unique learning opportunities with premade Unit Studies that cross multiple subjects for well-rounded studies. As a parent, you can assign units to your independent learners to complete, which will provide multimedia resources, including books, reputable articles, and videos. As students complete these resources, you may add items that enhance the study and gauge your child’s progress by discussing the unit’s “essential questions.” These resources may lead to further research and study projects as time allows.
LightSail allows parents to plan their homeschool schedule according to the needs of each child and the circumstances of their homeschool classroom. Not only will the site help keep track of progress, but it will also provide a steady stream of resources that take the guesswork out of planning and saves time for parents who no longer need to search for materials. Assignments, progress, and the very best resources in one place is no longer just a dream with this unique literacy site.

Posted on 9.Sep.21 in Homeschool Tips