One of the benefits of homeschooling is the ability to deep-dive into intriguing topics. Rather than just reading one chapter of text on a subject in a textbook, homeschoolers can devote time to truly understanding a topic and approaching it from many different angles.
For example, instead of just reading a little bit about weather, you can truly immerse in the subject by reading several engaging books on weather-related themes, designing science experiments to monitor or imitate weather conditions, following storm chasers on livestreams, and writing essays on nature and the weather.
Seeking out resources on topics our students are interested in can be fun.
Still, it’s even better when we find engaging resources already collected in one place and ready for use! The LightSail for Homeschoolers platform provides a wealth of ready-made Unit Study choices to excite and engage homeschool families. From preschool to high school, homeschoolers can take advantage of LightSail’s curated Unit Study collections on everything from Visiting a Farm to American History to Classical Literature from the Ancient Period.
LightSail’s Unit Studies, created by our in-house team of homeschool parents, contain several components to address different learning styles and keep learners engaged with the material. Unit Studies may include any or all of LightSail’s content types, such as:
- Books
- Biographies
- Audiobooks
- Action Clips
- Livestreams
- Videos
- World Book Encyclopedia articles
- 360° Images, and more.
Furthermore, Essential Questions and Quizzes encourage students to think about the topic, engage with the material, and demonstrate their knowledge.
Additionally, parents who enjoy pulling together resources will appreciate the ease of using LightSail’s Unit Study feature to create thematic collections for their own children. By opening LightSail’s Library, choosing the “Unit Studies” button, and clicking on “Create a Unit Study,” parents can begin creating unit studies customized to the needs of their own families. With a wealth of content to choose from and the ability to develop Essential Questions and Quizzes aimed at their particular goals, parents can curate a customized collection with everything needed to study a given theme, all within the LightSail platform.
Whether you enjoy creating your own themed collections or taking advantage of resources that have been curated for you, LightSail’s Unit Studies feature is a game changing homeschool tool!

Posted on 9.Sep.21 in Homeschool Tips