Your homeschool adventure can begin while your kids are still in preschool. Homeschool early childhood education forges family bonds as parents and kids explore the world together. The activities you do during the early years will get your little ones warmed up for a lifetime of learning. Use the five tips below to encourage curiosity, creativity, and a thirst for knowledge during the preschool years.
1. Keep lessons short.
Preschoolers have tiny attention spans. An hour-long stretch of academic activities probably won’t work at this age. Instead, break your learning up into small bites throughout the day. Sharing picture books with your youngsters — a few in the morning and a few in the afternoon — is a great way to provide educational content in kid-friendly chunks.
Lerner’s Pull Ahead Readers series features Polar Animals and other simple nonfiction texts that are just right for this age.
2. Move often.
Little kids are full of wiggles. Instead of fighting against it, use that desire to move to your advantage. Put on an audiobook for your young learners and ask them to act out what they hear. For example, play Look, a Dolphin! and encourage your kids to swim and leap like sea creatures. Not only is movement while reading fun for kids, but it can also help the content stick in their brains.

3. Teach digital literacy.
Today’s preschoolers are growing up in a technology-saturated world.
You can take advantage of your little ones’ budding computer skills by incorporating screens into your homeschool plans. As kids play educational games, such as the ones you’ll find in the World Book Early Learning Platform, they’ll become more tech-savvy. They’ll also build their academic skills.
4. Go on adventures.
Preschoolers are ready to discover new things about the world, and field trips are a great way to go about it. Whether you visit a hiking trail, the fire station, or a museum, your kids will discover new things while having great fun. On days when you can’t get out and go, bring the world to you instead. Kid-friendly 360 images and live stream videos are exciting ways to see new places without leaving the comfort of home.
5. Get creative.
Young children love the creative process and making something that they can proudly call their own. Turn to World Book Kids for early childhood education craft ideas. Your preschoolers will practice math as they make Candy Patterns, explore science with Pressed Leaves and Flowers, and exercise their fine motor skills with Play Clay.
You can count on LightSail for all your homeschool preschool needs. From picture books to audiobooks and live streams to hands-on crafts, our platform will help you create a rich early childhood educational experience right at home.

Posted on 9.Sep.21 in Homeschool Tips