Middle school can be troublesome — and not just for kids. With tween friendship dilemmas, more independent learning, and the distraction of social media, even homeschool classrooms can get downright stressful for parents and kids alike. All of these situations and changes can lead to fluctuating “middle-schooler moods.”
But take heart in your efforts to homeschool your tween or young teen! Here are some tips to help you and your middle-schooler make the best use of their time in the trenches of middle school at home.
1. Taking ownership
Most middle school students should not need a parent to hover over their shoulder while schoolwork is completed. By now, they are likely reading instructions and can complete some independent writing work.
Put that newly-found independence to work!
Allow your middle school student to have input or take control of their homeschooling schedule. At this age, they thrive when given goals and incentives to get there. LightSail offers innovative features to help your middle school student maximize their literacy schedule and take charge.
- Select due dates around your family’s circumstances
- Proofread essay drafts together
- Appropriate reading goals within set times
- Automatic email reminders to complete assignments/goals
2. Take a note
By this point, most middle schoolers know how to take notes. If that is not the case, make sure you give your student a few tips to improve their study skills.
- Write down main points.
- Review notes often.
- Reflect and consider your own feelings.
- Use doodles to illustrate points.
LightSail offers a great chat feature that allows kids to copy sections of a book to a chat session with you or the whole family. This feature allows a student to question what they are reading or make a special note about an entry to revisit.
3. Don’t stop reading aloud
Gone are the days of sitting on your lap and reading a storybook, but you can easily pass an electronic device back and forth to continue reading together.
Who says middle school students don’t want to be read to? They are still impressionable and need your attention!
LightSail offers a great chance for middle school students and their families to read together as a family. LightSail also offers book clubs to further your discussion and enhance your reading experiences. There are also unit studies to further explore a topic or author.
4. They are still kids
Remember your middle school student is still trying to strike a balance between being a child and a teenager. Testing boundaries and seeing how far they can get are the attitudes that can be expected. However, granting some independence and utilizing resources on LightSail for scheduling and automatic reminders can make your middle school literacy journey a little easier. Take the time to read together and enjoy adding LightSail to your everyday curriculum.

Posted on 11.Nov.21 in Homeschool Tips