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The Proven Way to Improve Your Child’s Reading Comprehension

improve child reading comprehension

As a homeschool parent, you’ve probably wondered more than once how to improve a child’s reading comprehension. The Lexile Framework can provide the support that you need. With this system, you can identify your child’s reading level and find books to match. Having books at the right level can improve reading skills and foster a lifelong love of literacy.

1. How Lexile Works

The Lexile Framework is a way of thinking about kids’ reading abilities and the difficulty level of books.

Finding out a child’s Lexile level begins with a quick test. When your learner finishes the assessment, you’ll be provided his current Lexile measure. Depending on your reader’s abilities, the score could fall anywhere from lower than 200L to higher than 1700L.

Books are graded according to the same scale. There’s a complicated formula for analyzing the Lexile measure of a text, but don’t worry — reading experts take care of that for you. In fact, with just 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week, LightSail guarantees that your child’s Lexile level will improve in 3 month’s time!

2. Identifying the Right Books

Spending time with books is one of the best activities to improve reading comprehension. Not just any stories will do, though. Your child will get the most benefit from reading books that are at exactly the right level.

Once you’ve identified your child’s Lexile measure, you can use this to select texts with a similar measure. Your student will be most successful with books that range from 100 points under her current Lexile score to 50 points over it.

Regular reading practice with texts in the correct range has the power to increase reading comprehension over time. The child’s Lexile measure will climb higher in the process.

3. LightSail and Lexile

LightSail’s innovative approach to reading comprehension strategies is built around the Lexile system. Our platform automatically assesses your student’s Lexile level and provides engaging texts that are within the targeted range.

The more time your learner spends with LightSail’s books, the more her reading comprehension will improve. As she becomes a better reader, we’ll adjust her Lexile measure accordingly. From level to level, we’ll continue to provide high-quality books that are right on par with her abilities.

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Posted on 6.Jun.21 in Homeschool Tips



B.S. in Pharmacy RPh - A 17-year homeschool veteran, Kristen has enjoyed teaching her four children in classical and eclectic styles. Kristen loves reading, writing, and volunteering as a reading tutor.
Favorite part of LightSail: Authentic Writing, Fluency
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