Category: Homeschool Tips
3 Must-Have Homeschool Resources
Posted on 25.Jun.21 in Homeschool Tips

Homeschooling has risen in popularity over the last year, and so has the amount of information available! While this is a good thing in many ways, it can be overwhelming to homeschool parents, particularly ones new to homeschooling. As a seasoned homeschooler, I can say that there are a few homeschooling resources for parents that […]
3 Great Homeschooling High School Tips
Posted on 25.Jun.21 in Homeschool Tips

Homeschooling high school students is a task that many parents find daunting. The high school years are some of the most formative, and they can affect your child’s future in many ways. While homeschooling a high schooler does take more intention, it doesn’t have to be drudgery. Here are three tips to help you homeschool […]
Pro Tips for Homeschooling Multiple Ages
Posted on 23.Jun.21 in Homeschool Tips

Figuring out how to homeschool your kids can be overwhelming at first, especially when you add in multiple age levels. Depending on the ages of your kids and the distance between them, you could potentially have a student in high school, middle, elementary, and pre-K all at the same time. Even if you only have […]
4 Homeschool Benefits You Need to Know About!
Posted on 23.Jun.21 in Homeschool Tips

There are many advantages of homeschooling, but it can be hard to see the big picture when you’re in the middle of a busy season. Whether new to learning at home or a seasoned pro, every homeschool parent has had moments where they forget why they chose to forge a different path. This short list […]
The Proven Way to Improve Your Child’s Reading Comprehension
Posted on 23.Jun.21 in Homeschool Tips

As a homeschool parent, you’ve probably wondered more than once how to improve a child’s reading comprehension. The Lexile Framework can provide the support that you need. With this system, you can identify your child’s reading level and find books to match. Having books at the right level can improve reading skills and foster a […]
Book Reports for 21st Century Homeschoolers
Posted on 22.Jun.21 in Homeschool Tips

Gone are the dull book reports that you may remember from your own school days. Today’s students are putting modern twists on the classic book report format. The next time you assign book reports to your homeschoolers, suggest one of the following creative approaches. Not only will your kids have more fun, but they’ll also […]
Tips for Homeschooling Auditory Learners
Posted on 21.Jun.21 in Homeschool Tips

Homeschooling an auditory learner can be a fun, unique experience. These students learn best by hearing material rather than just seeing it. This learning style can present some challenges, but once you know how to teach this student best, they will thrive. Here are some tips for homeschooling auditory learners. How Do I Know if […]
Create a Home for Lifelong Learning
Posted on 20.Jun.21 in Homeschool Tips

Most homeschoolers cite lifelong learning as one of the driving factors behind their educational decisions. As homeschooling parents, we recognize the uniqueness of each child and nurture their specific learning styles and interests, but how do we specifically encourage lifelong learning at home? Providing situations for imagination and exploration will help your children to not […]
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