Category: Homeschool Tips
How to Help Your Emergent Reader Practice Sight Words
Posted on 28.Sep.21 in Homeschool Tips

Sight words are some of the first words that emergent readers begin to grasp, although they don’t always come easily at first. Regular practice is the key to making sight words less tricky and more fun. Here are a few ways you can help your early reader master them. 1. Flash cards It’s not a […]
Making Learning Memorable with LightSail’s Memory Work Feature
Posted on 28.Sep.21 in Homeschool Tips

At some point, every student will be asked to memorize something for an assignment – a list, names, important dates, locations, poetry selections, important speeches, science terminology. The possibilities are endless. For certain homeschool styles, such as the Classical style, memorization is considered an integral part of learning, and there are dozens of recommended lists […]
Keys to Homeschooling Your Preschooler
Posted on 23.Sep.21 in Homeschool Tips

Your homeschool adventure can begin while your kids are still in preschool. Homeschool early childhood education forges family bonds as parents and kids explore the world together. The activities you do during the early years will get your little ones warmed up for a lifetime of learning. Use the five tips below to encourage curiosity, […]
Lightsail Quotations 101
Posted on 23.Sep.21 in Homeschool Tips

LightSail is full of fantastic, time-saving features that will help you make the most of your homeschool years like curated unit studies, a library full of high-quality resources, and one of our most unique features, Quotations. This tool makes it easy to share beautiful words with your child and help them memorize them. Here’s what […]
Lightsail Bookmarks 101
Posted on 23.Sep.21 in Homeschool Tips

LightSail is full of amazing features to make homeschooling your children fun and easy. Every homeschool parent needs support, and we aim to take some of the load off your shoulders! We do this through curated unit studies, a library of top-notch resources, and one of our most unique features, Bookmarks. This feature saves homeschool […]
Posted on 15.Sep.21 in Homeschool Tips

reading unicorn [ˈrē-diŋ \ ˈyü-nə-ˌkȯrn] noun – A mythical perfect book at the perfect reading level with the perfect content; often mistaken for flashy covers masquerading as quality; recognizable by producing instantaneous joy on the faces of children. 1. What Is This Reading Unicorn? In the end, it all comes down to the Reading Unicorn. […]
Using Free Worksheets to Benefit Your Homeschool
Posted on 8.Sep.21 in Homeschool Tips

Homeschool parents sometimes associate worksheets with the mindless busy work and reams of papers of their own school days. However, worksheets can be excellent ways to practice skills and commit ideas to memory. Whether your children learn best through reading and writing or simply need extra written practice, worksheets can be valuable tools for reinforcing […]
Three Ideas for Boosting Learning Through Play
Posted on 7.Sep.21 in Homeschool Tips

Playtime can have a bad rap as a distraction from learning. Time spent in play does provide fun, relaxation, and a break from intense studying. However, play itself is a necessary part of learning. Taking a break from concentrated reading, writing, and memorizing allows young minds to use the skills, knowledge, and ideas they have […]
Unit studies for homeschoolers
Posted on 3.Sep.21 in Homeschool Tips

Steps to Designing a Homeschool Unit Study To turn your kids’ passions into educational opportunities, include unit studies in your homeschool plans. Homeschool unit studies are opportunities for students to focus their schoolwork around a particular theme for a period of time. Parents often choose to incorporate a variety of school subjects into these thematic […]
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