Category: Homeschool Tips
LightSail provides time-saving features in busy homes
Posted on 2.Sep.21 in Homeschool Tips

Every homeschooling parent dreams of a good schedule that works. Yet, different reading abilities and scattered resources can make each school day a scheduling nightmare. Fortunately, LightSail’s innovative catalog of features is the organized boost you’re seeking for a productive homeschool schedule. Whether you have one child or multiple learners in your home, you can […]
3 Benefits of Using a Living Books Curriculum
Posted on 31.Aug.21 in Homeschool Tips

As a homeschool parent, you have the unique ability to bring learning to life. One of the best ways to do this is by using a living books curriculum. This term comes from Charlotte Mason, an education pioneer. She believed that children should be taught through books that inspire great ideas. These books contain beautiful […]
Charlotte Mason Curriculum 101
Posted on 10.Aug.21 in Homeschool Tips

The Charlotte Mason way of learning focuses on the heart of the child, above all else. Miss Mason believed that children are born whole people with everything they need to become well-rounded. She taught her students with rich materials that would help them form their own ideas about the world around them. Her philosophy influences […]
How to Create a Homeschool History Curriculum
Posted on 10.Aug.21 in Book Recommendations, Homeschool Tips

History can be an intriguing subject when approached correctly. Many students find history to be dull due to the use of hefty textbooks and long lectures. This doesn’t have to be the case! As a homeschool parent, you can bring all subjects to life, including history. Here’s how you can create a homeschool history curriculum […]
Critical thinking skills for homeschoolers
Posted on 6.Aug.21 in Homeschool Tips

During the logic stage — approximately grades five through eight — students begin to examine the world in new ways. Rather than simply absorbing information, they begin to put more thought into why the world is the way it is. They get better at making connections, evaluating situations, and formulating persuasive arguments. In other words, […]
How to Curate a Living Books History Curriculum
Posted on 2.Aug.21 in Homeschool Tips

Living books is a buzzword in the Christian homeschool community, and for a good reason! A living book is a book that is full of life. Stuffy textbooks don’t fit the bill! Living books contain inspiring stories, beautiful pictures, well-written words, and ideas. History is a subject that many students find dull, but that doesn’t […]
Ways to Simplify Your Homeschool Days
Posted on 2.Aug.21 in Homeschool Tips

If you’ve been homeschooling for a while, you probably know the feeling: burnout. It doesn’t mean it’s time to send your kids back to the public school. Rather, you can take it as a sign that it’s time to switch things up. These homeschool tips for parents will streamline your days and make home education […]
4 Benefits of Using a Living Books Curriculum
Posted on 29.Jul.21 in Homeschool Tips

Homeschooling with living books is a fun way to teach your child. Charlotte Mason defines a living book as “the fit and beautiful expression of inspiring ideas and pictures of life.” Miss Mason believed that children are already whole people who deserve to have their minds stretched, and her methods show that philosophy. Living books […]
How to Find the Right Language Arts Homeschool Program
Posted on 23.Jul.21 in Homeschool Tips

There are many homeschool programs out there, and it can be tricky to know which one is the best for your family. As you search, keep these four characteristics in mind. With a program that meets all of them, your homeschool will be in good shape this year. Lots of Books Prioritize the homeschool reading […]
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