Category: Faith-based
Five Tips for Including Hymn Study in Your Homeschool
Posted on 6.Dec.21 in Faith-based

Music is a unique way to bring a spirit of peace and calm into your homeschool. Including hymn study in your day can create beautiful bonding moments of faith. Since most children love music, this is one they will be eager to participate in. There’s nothing quite like watching your child’s eyes light up when […]
Is a Religiously Inclusive Language Arts Program for You?
Posted on 29.Nov.21 in Faith-based

Secular or religious? When it comes to choosing a homeschool language arts program, this may be one of the questions you ask yourself. One benefit of homeschooling is the ability to tailor the curriculum to the needs of your own family. This includes choosing a language arts program that is religiously inclusive or faith neutral. […]
What to Look for in a Christian Homeschool Curriculum
Posted on 22.Nov.21 in Faith-based

Faith is important to your family, so you’re looking for a homeschool curriculum to match. With the best Christian homeschool curriculum, your everyday school activities will help cultivate your children’s beliefs and values. As you pick out an online Christian homeschool curriculum, keep the following three characteristics in mind. 1. Includes Bible as a subject […]
Must-Have Books for a Classical Christian History Program
Posted on 18.Nov.21 in Faith-based

Great books bring historical events to life while portraying the beauty, goodness, and truth that have been present throughout the twists and turns of history. Parents who teach historical events through the lens of a Biblical worldview seek books that display God’s goodness and mercy throughout time, despite the actions of humankind. The following four […]
How to Incorporate the Bible Into Your History Curriculum
Posted on 18.Nov.21 in Faith-based

Did you know that the Bible can be an excellent tool for teaching history? It’s true! There are many notable events in the Bible from which you can create whole unit studies. This short list of ideas will help you make a fantastic Bible history for homeschool. The Life of Jesus Christ Many Bible passages […]
Picking a Homeschool Curriculum for Latter-day Saints
Posted on 3.Nov.21 in Faith-based

If you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, then you know how difficult it can be to choose a curriculum that’s right for you. There are plenty of options for secular and more traditional homeschoolers, but what about a homeschool curriculum for Latter-day Saints? Many families choose to homeschool […]
LightSail Unit Studies on the History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Posted on 6.Oct.21 in Faith-based

Will you be studying the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in your homeschool this year? Knowing where we come from, learning about the sacrifices of those who came before, and gaining strength from their experiences and testimonies are all excellent reasons why you should. What better way for kids and […]
Done-For-You King James Bible Lesson Plans
Posted on 6.Oct.21 in Faith-based

If you’re a busy homeschool mom, you know how difficult it can be to find the time to teach your kids their required school subjects. Add in Bible study and you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed! That’s why finding ready-made King James Bible lesson plans can be such a blessing in your homeschool. Including […]
A Language Arts Program for Latter-day Saints’
Posted on 6.Oct.21 in Faith-based

We are blessed to live in a day where there are many options for homeschooling families. Whether you are a secular homeschooler, a traditional Christian homeschooler, or are of another faith, finding a language arts curriculum that fits your family’s needs is not too complicated. However, when you are a member of The Church of […]
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